Mejores hoteles de KAYAK 2019 - Metodología

Best Hotels

Scores are calculated from ratings and reviews from travelers based on 6 categories:

  1. 1. Best Hotel
  2. 2. Best Resort
  3. 3. Best B&Bs and Inns
  4. 4. Best Hostel
  5. 5. Best Budget Hotel
  6. 6. Best Luxury Hotel

In order to qualify for selection as a best hotel in 2019 for a category, a hotel must have had a minimum of 50 new reviews published within 2018 with a minimum overall rating of 8.0 for the category.

A maximum of the 100 highest scoring hotels for each of the categories above were selected per country from each of the following regions: US & Canada, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific.